
Mind and Mindset

''As you think, so you become'', a famous saying by Bruce Lee. In it, everything is brief. Today, the most important thing to control and guide is your own Mindset. A true Yogi has a mind set of Social Welfare.  Each Professional has its own Mindset. 

Poor are poor and Rich remain Rich because of their Mindset. This also depends upon the word you use in your dictionary. You will do exactly as you use the word to express. 

Successful people never give up and think it won't do or happen. They remain persistent, consistent, laborious and thoughtful to become positive about themselves. While other do the opposite.

Even, the magnitude of Positiveness and Mindset even more important in Tantra. Tantra ask for sacrifice, devotion, and Belief. This is even much more harder in Tantra. It is the perfect and exact science here. 

One can easily select from their path because of his Mindset. 

So People What is your thought on this. Don't forget to tell me. 

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  1. Mind and Mindset is Everything responsible for one's character.


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