
Evil spirits and their adverse effect | The role of Yoga and Tantra Practice.

Today, every person directly or indirectly is affected by an evil soul. Why is this happening? This is because we all are being engaged in some evil work. Anything that against the society is curse or sin. Sin always comes with curse , and this curse is resuys in destruction. 
Evil souls  first capture your mind and destroys the thought of god worshipping and good deed. Then slowly destroys the environment of love and friendship. 

The result is deadly and can be even worse if you ask me. Death can be the result of it. But continuois worship and good deed makes your soul an d aura strong and keep soul far away from you.

How to keep soul strong and purify your environment?

1. Hanuman Worshipping:- it is first and most affective way to deal with evil spirits. Sadhak and devotee who is in continuous worship are powerful enough to deal with such things.

2. Good deeds:-  It is overall factor for the spirits to get in touch with you. Deed decide which spirits will get in touch and live with you. 

God worshiping people are always happy and satisfied and powerful.

3. Stay away from sad and crying one:-  people who ara always sad are one to allure and dwell with them. They are source of evil spirits. And person who comes in contact suffers the same hell.

4. Never keep evil object or pawn object or classical:-  Evil object or classical object sometime enchanted with evil mantra or used in evil ritual so what happens? That evil spirits gets attached to it. And that spirits is even harder to kick out. Sometimes, it gets tougher to remove spirits because of such evil objects. 

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