
Can Meditation and Yoga Changes our Genes?


1.  What Meditation and Yoga does to Your body.

2. Psychological Factor of Meditation.

3. Genes and DNA changes.

4. Rising of Psychological potential.

#1. What Mediation and Yoga does to your Body.

It is a simple notion that if you practice a cult. You are devoted to a single path to run to whatever the problem you face. It become a mission to reach the goal of the mission. Meditation and Yoga is not a different practice. It is one which is called Astange Yoga. In that everything is included. Yam, Niyam, Ashan, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dhyan, Dharana, Samadhi. Here Dharana and Dhyan is called Meditation.

Meditation is the part of the Yoga i.e Astanga Yoga.  It really revolutionarize your body and mind. If a unhealthy person does Complete yoga. It rectifies the body overall, make it disease free, active and healthy. Same happens with the mind too. Even, it encourages you to do a social work for the society.

#2. Physiological factor of the mediation.

It is a solution and balm to the physiological and psychological affected person. It removes the depression, tension, stress and makes  a person relieved. Mediation is related to Kosha and Chakras too.

If you go deep into the mediation and Yoga practice, the secrets of the universe reveals before you one by one. And a magical journey starts. There are seven chakras and 5 koshas in a human body. The more you practice yoga, the chakras and koshas keep opening and takes you to the next level of evolution.

#3. Genes and DNA Changes.

Yes, Absolutely, By Doing Meditation, Yoga and Tantra. a Gene of a person completely changes and formed even better gene that actively survived in the present environment and time. Gene of a person is determined by the parents of a male and female parents both. DNA and Genes constantly changes. And make you as per your mental and psychology mind and thought. 

Mediation is all about mental and psychological practice. It a practice that strengthen your mind. So, the better you become, the better your gene becomes.

#4. Rising of Psychological potential.

As I mention above, that the Mediation is all about mental practice only.  It a proof from Indian Sadhu sect that they developed a distinctive ability to read mind, pyrokinesis, moving objects with mind and so on. This is a few little examples. The list is even bigger and longer. Mediation and activation of koshas and chakras gives you immense power over the universe.

Practices are included such as Dhyan, Tratak, Daharana, Samadhi etc.


As a result, Yoga and Mediation does a complete makeover to our mind and body. It not only changes our DNA and Genes, even make it better and stronger. Moreover, it changes the thought process a person and make it do better for the society. 

If even activates the Koshas and CHakras of a person and gives the ability of next level human. 

It is a solution of present Mental ailment and Body diseases. 

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