
The Concept of Yoga , Theist and Dharma and How they all are corelated to each other.


Dharma, What is Dharma? This must be asked to ourselves and ourselves finds the answer too. This is something that comes from the heart.  True personality always tends to find the answer of dharma. In Bhagwat Gita, Shri Krishna explained the concept of Dharma? Dharma is the property of every living being to live life naturally and when any being denies that nature and does work against it. It solely dies and eaten by time in the end and got decreases. Krishna told follow your natural instict and fight against immoralist. Be moral and fight for righteousness. This is Dharma and Justice must be serve. 

What is Dharma?

This is the Question which i have been asking myself since i was a child. And i never got the proper answer of it. Cause no one was wise enough to answer me. So, i keep seeking, watched Indian television shows, there i got many hints and links. Also, i known much. In Mahabharat, very famous and interesting story of a family where GOD comes and teached the lesson on dharma the whole world. 
Krishna with the help of pandavas destroyed the evil from the world. And started  the new dawn era. But as time passed, evil prevailed with stronger force and keep enslaving the mankind and humanity. Dharma is stated as "  Dharma is the very soul, natural, inheritant factor, property of  living being which let it to work accordingly also beneficial for himself and society .", 

Moral and Moralist:- 

Moral is simply Yam-Niyam. 
Yam- Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Bramhacharya, Aparigraha.
Niyam- Soach, Santosh, Tapah, Swadhyay, Ishwar-Pranidhan.

Moral is simply the natural character, of one being to live for righteousness, justice and  humanity.  Moralist are those personality who follows. In our Ananda Marga Organiztion, the defination of moralist and humanity and Dharma is extensively defined and searched and preached by Our Master Shri Shri Anandamurtiji. 

Why is it must be saved above all humanity and everything?

After explaining briefly the above term and defination. Its time that we talk about this stuff. 

See, The service of humanity is the service of GOD. We know that but are we doing it. I guess no. We are following our selfish interest to become rich. In the race of that, we forget kindness, hope, love, affection. This is basic humane emotion. we are emotionless. This led us and will led us to extinction for sure. Whatever we do, that must ultimately benefit Dharma and if that happens. Dharma will save all and everything.  Since humanity came into existence, we always tried to thrive, even civilization extinct because of absence of proper culture and dharma education and spritual cult. 

Building any society or humanity. These are the basic factor:-
1. Preceptor
2. Darshan, Philosophy
3. Tantra, YOGA, Spiritual Practice
4. Economic and Social Outlook or system
5. Spiritual Philosophy
6. Prout.

Sense  of Dharma and righteousness is one thing and applying practically is another thing. That something practically we need to work on. For that one need to have correct and subtle knowledge of spritual cult and philosophy. 

How can we practically apply it?
That is very simple as well as difficult too. How? When we are starting   any work and if the motive of the work is ultimate welfare of humanity that real application.  But it is not that simple too. Time is the most precious wealth which no one can buy , only spent, which is the one basic point which no one understand. Time is many thing in one moment, It heals people, curse, boon and what not?  

Even thinking, that must be for welfare of society. For example, in mind you make a plan for the development of certain person, family, society, organization, and you are working fot it and even if you do certain deed that is negative. It will turn positive in the end. This is the magic of Dharma. 

Speak dharma, Think dharma and Do dharma. The ultimate outcome will be Dharma.

Practically Fight for it:- 

See, when you find someone going against the the concept of Dharma, morality, in these days is tough to put him in right track cause it is on their survival and hardship in life, if simply goes someone on the track of righteousness.  Righteousness is the synonyms of dharma. So, we  can acknowledge him about it. 

That is it. But start everything by raising your voice. And voice is the first weapon against it, then take the correct step to stop it like going procedural way like complaining to police, court etc. Every fight you choose you have to fight against it. This is the only way. 

Mentally, not supporting him is the another option, If that immorality is highly negative for society. Complaint to police about it. And if that is also impossible to do. Take charge in your hand and do whatever is necessary to stop it. 


Dharma is the inner righteousness feeling and experience, which must never be surrender and suppress to any immoral and devil forces, that can be easily apply in present materialistic world without any problem. 

Only moral people and moral literature like biography of Bhagat singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad etc can bring true moral forces inside us. 

Also, Spritual Practices like meditation is helpful in uplifting personality and building morality.

So, people How do you like my post.  If you find anything different point of view in this subject. Please tell us below. 


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