


Hello, Today you and i will learn how sarkar mislead people and betray them leading toward anhillation?

Why there is
1.No Job?
2.No Security?
3.People dying of starving?
4.Distrust and betrayal?
5.Killing of social culture?

A. Why Youngsters is very desperate about Job, Career and security?
B.Why they are  going toward self-destruction?
C. Is there any solution exist ?

Where Morality exist, Humanity Dwells in that environment.

Let's learn about some points:-

1. It been going a mass misleading of people toward annihilation. How? Well that's the point to really understand. Looks since humanity came into existence so the dark Organization. What's their motive? Their motive is to destruction human kind. And start the rule of demons and darkness.

2. People have been misleading, deviated  continuously so they couldn't concentrate on single point of matter.( Mass problem like job, rape, murder, Human right betrayal). And their biggest source of misleading is TV, radio, internet. They make songs and movies on girl-boy-sex, money, fame, liquor, boozing, party, sex, porn, nudity and violation. So that people easily get affect and do sin and inhuman work. Consequently, He and his whole society is affect which no one cares about.

3. And Country is run by Youth, so if you pollute youth, country is automatically killed.

4. Corona ends now , school and colleges must be easily opened for people. Everything gets to normal. But still it isn't sarkar. Won't let that  happen cause people again will come on roads to protest and govt. will fall.

5. It high time to get awared for everything and start protest cause if you don't do. They will kill you dead.

6. How to start?
You must start with most basic.
First do social service and join amps( for guidance. Make yourself strong with Sadhna and sacrifice.

Please visit these links for brief information.

How Money Hoarder is destroying Youth

None of us is safe from Money Hoarder and communism.

Prout:- A Brief Introduction , An ultimate solution of Money Hoarding System and Socialism

Women Crucial Role in Society welfare

7. The most capitalist people snatching the money from people's pocket and hoarding it. What happens? Because of no running of money. Shortage of food, product. People won't be able to share their skills, product and experience. All the business and market gets collapsed and govt. And these rich won't let people to sense anything about it.

8. Masses of propel will starve and eventually meet their death. And they make people to think that this is their fate.

9. Riches are not that smart as they work. It's just us who are not willing to do hard work and explore us.

10. What's is riches mind?
They just want to rule people like master and slave. They won't let up at any cost. You just be slave and die.
They think us as chicken, chicken is used as eating. They violate us so hard that all humanity within us get killed.

Sorry but I can't find the exact word and sentence to express myself.

11. They deeded ugly thought deep within us that it is nearly impossible to wipe it out and succeeded in brainwashing us. Still you and I came on road for living, yet they continues violation.

12. Because of shortage of money in market, no jobs, no living. Even the most educated like PhD and masters people are compelled to do stupid jobs for money.

13. This results in cultural destruction, educational.and moral destruction. Ultimately, spiritual destruction occurs.
If normal people are not able to acquire necessary object, depending on others for help.

And riches successful creates mass distrust, that people are forced to think .
Why this is happening ?
Masses are scared that if anything unacceptable happens, how they will manage?

This have caused a great flow of Fear, insecurity, starve etc.

Now, there is a solution for this

Go to Prout

Prout:- A Brief Introduction

14. Never Led Down Your Spirit
People today became so depressed, anxiety and depression that it is impossible for them to rise . Reason is Sad news of murder and rape on TV, girl-boy song, alcohol, sex, Party etc music vedio where they teaches us to do the same. Politics is constantly snatching our rights of living.
Our parents and neighbour only forced us  to bring money doing any job.
The emotional quotient is dead which inspired us in past.
Friend zone community so the Same. I means people only give that which they have with them.

Now in this dark situation and time. It is impossible for anyone to raise in spirituality and life.


There is a solution for Money Hoarder inducing problems like Job scarcity, Distrust, Mass Misleading, cultural and moral destruction, Youth moral degradation, Youth Mass suicide and i.e Social Work, Yoga and Sadhna and Prout.
             So Happily and Bravely take your first step.

Also, I want you to Comment below for any query and Share this post as much as possible.

Thank May God Bless U All.

Personally, I think it's high time that we stand for society and humanity. And start to a work as much as possible for upcoming generation.


Consequently, Sarkar is actually elected by Money Hoarder  executed by them and works and run for them.

Have you ever alone thought of society downfall, economic crisis, immorality and Generation degradation and what could be it's solution? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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